Formula One in pictures - Season 2004

Kód: 9788096928071
€29,80 –66 %
Formula One in pictures - Season 2004
€29,80 –66 % €9,90
Skladom (2 ks)

Autor: Martin Trenkler

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Podrobný popis

This book is the debut publication of photographer Martin Trenkler who has been covering F1 since 2002. Since then, under the guidance of F1 is renowned photographers, Martin has learned the ropes of the art photography while at the same time experiencing the challenges and excitement of working as a freelance Formula One photographer.


/ kniha má máličko zájdený prebal /

Rok vydania: 2004  ISBN: 8096928074  Rozmer: 22,4x28,2 cm  
Počet strán: 237  Väzba: pevná s prebalom Jazyk: angličtina
Vydal: Drive  Kategória: lexikóny, encyklopédie - obrazové publikácie

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